Use solar electricity and pay less on bills

Use solar electricity and pay less on bills

The Thai developer Lumpini Wisdom has announced that it plans to use solar panels more in its projects.

Solar battery systems are used for both low-rise housing and condominiums, the most common system is solar roofs (Solar Rooftop). On-Grid and Off-Grid systems are used. In the first type, the property is connected to the city's electric networks and is also equipped with a solar battery on the roof. On cloudy days, the utility system will be used, and in sunny weather, alternative energy will be used. With Off-Grid system, the house is disconnected from the city networks and uses only solar energy. To date, the installation of any of the systems averages 169 000 baht. At the same time, solar panels pay off in about 5 years. It can help to save 945,295 baht for 25 years, or an average of 37,811 baht per year.

Since 2013, the price of solar systems in Thailand has decreased by more than 66%, while the price of electricity has increased by more than 2.2 baht per unit. In 2013, the payback of the systems was 17-30 years, while now it pays off in 5.3-12 years.

The minimum size of the solar system for a volume of 1.6 kW is 8-11 m2. The average price of such a system is 90,000 baht. This energy is enough, for example, for 10 light bulbs, a refrigerator, air conditioning and a TV.

With the decline in prices for solar panels, more and more developers are thinking about using them in their projects, both for low-rise construction and for condominiums. This not only helps customers save money in the future, but also has a positive effect on the environment.

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