Real Estate Information Center has published statistics on the purchase of apartments in condominiums in Thailand by foreigners in the 4th quarter of 2021. A total of 2,073 apartments were sold during this period, which is 20% less than in the same period last year, but this is more than the average value for COVID-19 (2020-2021).
The total cost of apartments bought by foreigners in condominiums amounted to 9,888 million baht, which is 22.5% less than in the previous year. The total area transferred to foreigners was 92,043 m2, which is 12.8% less than in the previous year.
In the fourth quarter of 2021, only 30.1% of the apartments bought by foreigners were secondary. The ratio of secondary apartments and new ones was 1:2.
The share of second-hand apartments bought by foreigners in condominiums has been continuously falling for 4 quarters since the first quarter of 2021.
Apartments worth no more than 3 million baht became the most popular among foreigners, 49.7% of the total number of apartments were bought in this price group. Basically, these are apartments with an area of 31 m2 - 60 m2 (1-2 bedrooms).
The greatest demand for condominiums in Thailand among foreigners comes from Chinese citizens. In 2021, a total of 4,867 apartments in condominiums were transferred to the Chinese, which is 59.4% of the total. The following positions are occupied by buyers from the USA, Great Britain and Germany.