Real estate experts said that Chinese citizens remain the main buyers of apartments in condominiums in Thailand. In addition, experts have revealed what kind of real estate Chinese investors prefer to buy and how much they are willing to spend at the same time.
Experts note that in Thailand there are more and more realtors working with European and Chinese buyers.
If European citizens prefer large villas, then the Chinese are much more likely to purchase small-sized housing. For example, in 2022, the most preferred area of apartments for Chinese investors was 39.2 m2, with an average market area of 45.9 m2. This is due to the fact that Europeans often choose housing for moving the whole family, and Chinese citizens have real estate investment in the first place. The average price of such a small apartment is about 5.1 million baht ($150,000), which is approximately equivalent to 1 million yuan - an amount that a representative of the Chinese middle class can easily accumulate.
The vast majority of Chinese buyers of real estate in condominiums belong to the middle class, experts say. As a rule, they are ready to buy a house if its value does not exceed 5-10 million baht, that is, 1-2 million yuan. Most often, Chinese buyers are looking for apartments in Bangkok. Other popular destinations are Phuket, Pattaya and Chiang Mai.
At the moment, investors from China occupy about 50% of the foreign segment in the Thai real estate market - both in the number of transactions and in their total amount. Such data was collected by Real Estate Information Center (REIC).